Light Equipment

Contractors Have a Need for Speed

LANGENTHAL, Switzerland – Completing work quickly is essential to profit. The faster a contractor can finish the needed work – in a quality manner, of course – the more profit that project will bring.

This leads many businesses to prioritise speed when purchasing equipment. There are a few ways to assess speed when discussing compaction. One way is to measure the rate at which the machine covers ground. How quickly does it move over the surface it’s compacting?

Another way is to determine the number of impacts in a certain timeframe or over a specific distance. How often does the machine strike its compaction target per minute or per metre?

Light equipment from Ammann is built to deliver speed on both of these fronts.

Lightweight Rammer

This Ammann ATR 30 Rammer is called on to compact material placed over narrow trenches, such as those built for cables and fibre optics. It’s specifically built to fit into these spaces. At 29 kg, it’s light – about half the weight of a regular rammer – and it’s small, with a choice of an 80-mm or 130-mm tamper foot to reach spaces where a regular rammer would fail.

“The light weight and tamper speed make this Ammann machine unique,” said Thiago Santos, Product and Application Training Manager at Ammann. “The tamper foot is small, but it hits the surface at a faster rate than other rammers.”

The rammer has less force than its heavier counterparts, but it delivers compaction by hitting its target more often. “You can still reach your compaction goals quickly because of the rapid tamper speed,” Thiago said.


Forward-Moving Plates

Ammann APF Forward Moving Vibratory Plates offer a different type of speed than Ammann Rammers. The APF plates provide speed in the form of fast ground coverage. Simply put, they move forward quickly.

The speed is delivered by a generously sized exciter unit, which enables quick coverage of areas and maintains a consistent speed when working on slopes or challenging grounds, such as working in clays.

That speed is an added advantage on a jobsite if the machines are providing quality compaction, too. Ammann APF Plates accomplish this by delivering exceptional force to ensure the materials they cover are properly compacted.

“Quality is always at the forefront of our product designs,” Thiago said. “Whether talking about our APF plates, or our ATR 30 Rammer, we won’t sacrifice quality for speed. We definitely provide both.”
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