Light Equipment

Trench Roller Tackles Large Housing Project

LANGENTHAL, Switzerland – An Ammann Trench Roller is helping to keep a challenging project on pace.

The Ammann ARR 1575 Trench Roller has compacted sub-bases for parking lots, walkways, roads and parks. The work is taking place in Prešov, Slovakia. The project includes new homes and apartments.

Ammann light equipment was used during the first phase of the work. The machines proved successful, and the contractor turned to the powerful Ammann trench roller as the work became more challenging. The local Ammann Dealer, Slovakia KCI Tech s.r.o., provided the machine.

The contractor, Tektonika s.r.o., utilised the Ammann ARR 1575 to handle the larger portions of the construction, such as parking lots. The work has been ongoing for the past two years, and the Ammann Trench Roller has been on the jobsite for most of that time.

Tektonika was founded in 1990 by Milan Zelizňak. The company is renowned for its quality of work, professionalism, flexible services and customer service. Its core strengths are engineering, supervision, implementation, consultancy and related business activities.

The ARR 1575 is an articulated trench roller that provides perfect ground contact and optimal compaction. The machine and its padfoot drum provide results, even where other compactors have failed. Its ability to work in cohesive soils can prevent the need for soil removal and replacement, providing a significant financial impact.

Two steering cylinders help make the ARR 1575 responsive and precise, while the oscillation feature provides excellent stability on uneven surfaces.

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