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Creating Homogenous Mix

The quality Ammann twin-shaft mixer utilises the optimal blending motion to continually adjust the intensity and direction of the force – factors essential to creating a homogenous mix. The Amix principle has proven to offer outstanding mixing efficiency with reduced wear.

Quality mixing is the result of a combination of circular material movement and transverse transport between the twin shafts. A systematic progressive movement and redistribution of the coated materials are achieved through a special arrangement and positioning of the mixing arms on the shafts. Positioning of all mixer arms is based on the same logic, ensuring a thorough, uniform mix over the entire length of the mixer body.


  • Minimal wear through protected components and an efficient mixing proces

  • Compulsory twin-shaft mixer provides highest shear forces

  • Optimal homogeneity and mixing time through the unique Ammann paddle arrangement

  • Maximum sequence design flexibility that enables production of special mixes



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