Quality, Consistency, Cost

Cost-effective Ammann mixers are the preferred choice for industry professionals worldwide. The mixers provide the quality and consistency that is essential for demanding construction projects. A variety of sizes and capacities ensure customer goals can be met.
  1. Compacted fresh concrete
    0.5 - 2.5 m³
    Dry volume
    0.75 - 3.75 m³
  2. Compacted fresh concrete
    2 - 4.5 m³
    Dry volume
    3 - 6.75 m³
  3. Compacted fresh concrete
    0.06 m³
    Dry volume
    0.09 m³
  4. Compacted fresh concrete
    0.25 - 4 m³
    Dry volume
    0.375 - 6 m³

What Sets Ammann Concrete Mixers Apart?

A Good Mix

All mixers provide excellent homogeneity, ensuring end-users are happy the with product.


Concrete weights ranging from light to heavy Cold, warm and hot concrete Polystyrene Expanded clay and foamed concrete Slurries ranging from aqueous to earthy Bituminous mixtures Betonit-clay mixtures SCC Self-compacting concrete UHPC Ultra-high performance concrete

Easy on Several Counts

Ammann mixers are easy to transport, which helps your operation get up and running quickly. The mixers also are user friendly and integrate well into existing operations.

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