Ammann Linear Storage Bins provide a smarter approach to material storage. The bins are engineered for seamless integration into concrete batching plants. They ensure efficient and reliable handling that keeps materials flowing. Maintenance is minimised, and the modular design ensures plants are future-ready.
Wedge connections of the chamber and separation walls enable easy and fast assembly. The preassembled batching gates are another time-saver.
For Today and Tomorrow
A wide range of accessories fosters a diversity of applications. As your future needs change, the accessories can be retrofitted to help your operation run smoother.
Ammann Elba Linear Storage Bins are made from stable steel profile sheets so they stand up to the harshest conditions on construction and plant sites.
The segmented batching gates are operated electro-pneumatically and preassembled so they’re ready for use. The opening width can be easily adjusted to enable flow.
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