Innovative Mixing Solutions for Optimal Concrete Quality
Quality, Consistency, Cost
Cost-effective Ammann mixers are the preferred choice for industry professionals worldwide. The mixers provide the quality and consistency that is essential for demanding construction projects. A variety of sizes and capacities ensure customer goals can be met.
All mixers provide excellent homogeneity, ensuring end-users are happy the with product.
Concrete weights ranging from light to heavy Cold, warm and hot concrete Polystyrene Expanded clay and foamed concrete Slurries ranging from aqueous to earthy Bituminous mixtures Betonit-clay mixtures SCC Self-compacting concrete UHPC Ultra-high performance concrete
Easy on Several Counts
Ammann mixers are easy to transport, which helps your operation get up and running quickly. The mixers also are user friendly and integrate well into existing operations.
Long Life
Quality materials and efficient engineering learned through decades of product development lead to extended component life. Those durable components also work well together to make mixing processes even more efficient.
Patented Tiling
The patented hole-free tiling on Ammann single-shaft and twin-shaft compulsory mixers makes for quick replacement that improves uptime and makes maintenance more cost-effective.
All mixer products are easily integrated into existing operations so you can quickly adjust to a changing marketplace at a cost-effective price. The retrofit installations are seamless and ensure your operation is back in business with limited interruption.
Short Mixing Times
Ammann mixers provide short mixing times. The time savings result from the arrangement of mixing tools and a compact design that shortens material movement.
Spacious Platforms for Mobile Plants
The mobile plants perform similarly to their stationary counterparts when it’s time to work. In particular the spatial conditions of mixing and weighing platforms are comparable to those of stationary plants.
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