It can be a challenge for asphalt producers to keep up with ever-changing industry codes and standards. Regulations are frequently updated for noise and dust emissions, sampling options, the production of foamed asphalt and the feeding of additives into mix.
Businesses have no choice but to meet the revised standards. While buying a brand-new plant would accomplish that, it might not fit in the budget.
A plant retrofit could be the answer. Retrofitting is a much more cost-effective approach, centered on improving an existing plant to meet the same standards as its newer counterparts.
Ammann has a tried-and-test retrofit process. All projects are managed by the Ammann Retrofit Centre in Austria, which relies on proven processes and experienced technicians to troubleshoot any issues and ensure superior results.
A retrofit costs a small fraction as much as a new plant, and is available for asphalt-mixing products made by Ammann and other manufacturers.