Adding navigation to ACE greatly improves processes – and profitability.

GPS combines the ACE (Ammann Compaction Expert) measurement and control system with a navigation system. It provides an efficient analysis and documentation system for continuous compaction control (CCC).
The satellite navigation system accurately assigns the measured compaction values to the position coordinates and the time. The graphic display of measurement data relays the on-site compaction work and enables a fast and reliable performance analysis.

GPS therefore increases process reliability and integrates quality control measures in the work process.

  • With Q Machines, you can supplement the technologies of the Ammann rollers with a GPS-based, position-accurate digital area compaction control.

  • The compaction information is automatically recorded, visualised for the driver with positional accuracy and stored in a data cloud. In this way, all roller drivers on a construction site are informed about the compaction status. This increases the quality and at the same time reduces the rolling time.

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