Hundreds of visitors, from dozens of countries, attended Ammann Green Days to learn about leading-edge technologies that help protect the environment.
The event, held in Verona, Italy, in late October 2023, provided customers with a chance to learn more about Ammann’s eco-friendly asphalt production efforts, including three new emissions abatement solutions.
“Each of these three is a breakthrough technology and a big win on the green front,” said Marzio Ferrini, Ammann’s Head of product Marketing. “When combined, they are setting the bar for sustainable asphalt production in the industry for the next generation.”
The Ammann H2 hydrogen burner is the first asphalt-mixing plant burner on the market capable of utilising 100% hydrogen. It eliminates all CO2 emissions associated with the burner and is capable of burning other fuels if desired.
The VOC Reduction Device (VRD) reduces volatile organic compounds (VOCs), odours and other organic carbon emissions. It lowers total organic carbon (TOC), which contains VOCs, by as much as 70% and is the first solution on the market able to self-clean; no filter replacements are needed.
Blue Smoke Treatment (BST) dramatically decreases the emissions that result while loading asphalt mix to trucks. It doesn’t require costly confinement equipment and is inexpensive to operate, too.
Ammann also announced it has expanded its line of asphalt-mixing plants. The company has added models, and new capacities, for the Ammann ABA UniBatch, ACP ContiMix 2.0 and ABC SolidBatch.
The plants are able to utilise the new emissions solutions. Existing plants, whether provided by Ammann or another manufacturer, can also access the eco-conscious technologies through retrofits.
The new plants and innovations are part of the “Green Plant Initiative,” Ammann’s commitment to improving the sustainability of asphalt production.

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