Equipo liviano
Compactadores de suelo y asfalto

Machine Innovations from Ammann Add Stability, Connectivity

LANGENTHAL, Switzerland - Sometimes, existing products or services aren’t enough to carry out the necessary tasks on a jobsite. Instead, a fresh approach must be considered – and a new machine or service developed.

Innovation has fueled Ammann machines for generations. These ground-breaking advancements are helping Ammann customers stay productive and profitable on jobsites around the world.


Triple-Shaft Exciter System

One such development addressed a concern with light compaction equipment. Conventional rotating vibratory systems can cause plate compactors to jump. The larger and more powerful the plate, the more potential there is for this jumping to occur.

Ammann put a stop to the unwanted jumping by introducing the triple-shaft exciter system, used on APH Hydrostatic Vibratory Plate Compactors – the largest plates in the company’s product line-up. The third shaft adds another rotation that keeps the machine grounded. It rotates toward the ground, preventing jumping and improving compaction output, too.

The system also eliminates erratic movements and makes it easy for operators to control the plates. The machines travel smoothly, even through heavy, cohesive soil, and are able to backfill materials with high moisture content. This is done without the usual suction effect, which can leave competitors’ plates at a standstill.

There is another benefit: The triple-shaft’s unique, consistent movement enables effortless climbing. In fact, the APH plates are the industry leader in climbing ability.


No-Rear-Axle Concept

Ammann provided another breakthrough with its unique no-rear-axle concept, featured on Ammann Soil Compactors.

Instead of a rear axle, the compactors have a high-performance hydraulic system that propels the two rear wheels individually. The absence of a rear axle allows the engine compartment to be closer to the ground, leading to an extremely compact design with a low centre of gravity and excellent stability, manoeuvrability and climbing ability. The low engine location also improves visibility considerably.


Ammann ServiceLink

The development of ServiceLink, an innovative fleet data system, makes it possible to manage equipment – anytime, anywhere. This comprehensive tool provides key data for light and heavy compaction machines and asphalt pavers. Customers can choose which machines to track.

ServiceLink utilises telematics that give the locations of the fleet’s machines, hours of usage and other essential information. The system provides access to data that will keep machines running – and make them more productive, too.

ServiceLink also makes it easy to plan and schedule the maintenance that protects the fleet.


Ammann Service App

To improve access to this crucial information, ServiceLink data can be retrieved online via a web interface on an office computer or on a mobile device using the Ammann Service App, which is available for Android and iOS. Both the interface and app are user friendly. The information displayed is comprehensive and its presentation in graph form is extremely intuitive. The Ammann Service App also offers quick access to machine documentation, operator manuals and parts lists. It utilises GPS technology to help users find the nearest service Dealer.

These machine advancements and others solidify Ammann’s position as a global innovator and solutions provider in the roadbuilding industry.


Ammann Compaction Expert ACE

Ammann compaction machines – which include heavy asphalt and soil compactors, as well as light equipment such as rammers, vibratory plates, add-on compactors and trench rollers – utilise intelligent technology to ensure all goals are met.

One key technological advance is Ammann Compaction Expert (ACE), which helps operators confirm that compaction has been achieved before moving onto another area of the jobsite. ACE is an innovative concept – and has been since it was launched in the 1990s – one of the first smart compaction technologies brought to the market.

ACE was the first system to not only measure compaction, but to automatically adjust compaction forces, too. This adds another layer of efficiency to the compaction process. The system is continually enhanced and remains among the most advanced smart compaction tools available today. ACE is available on soil and asphalt compactors and generally used on large projects where quality goals are essential, such as airport and highway construction.

What makes ACE even more unique is its availability on smaller compaction machines, too. That includes Ammann APH and APR Vibratory Plate Compactors, APA Add-On Compactors and ARR Trench Rollers. ACE is modified based on the type and size of the machine.

ACE improves quality by verifying compaction goals have been met – and by preventing overcompaction, too. In terms of production, ACE guarantees time is spent compacting the areas that need the most attention and moving beyond the spots that don’t. This puts an end to unnecessary passes of the machines, providing efficiencies that can have a significant impact on profit. Eliminating passes results in savings on labor, fuel and machine wear. It has beneficial effects in terms of service and maintenance, too.
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