Single tamper Variomatic screed with a paving width of 2.5-7.5m.
Available for: ABG 4370 | ABG 5320
VB 30 ETC Screed
The VB30 tamping and vibrating screeds feature the robust screed guide system, hydraulic screed crown, and extend to double the basic width (1.5m-3.0m). Screed extensions can be fitted to increase the paving width even further up to 4.0m.
Available for: ABG 2820
VB 40 ETC Screed
Single tamper Variomatic screed with a paving width of 1.8-4.5m.
The screed features a tiltable walkway, mechanical or hydraulic screed crown and zero-daily maintenance with lifetime lubricated tamper and vibration bearings. Two possible screed extensions are available: 52.5 cm and 27.5 cm, with the latter allowing machine transportation without disassembling extensions and end-gates.
Available for: ABG 2870 | ABG 2820
Mesa VB 78 ETC
Mesa Variomatic com tamper único e largura de pavimentação de 2,5 a 9 m.
Disponível para: ABG 4820
Mesa VB 79 ETC
Mesa Variomatic com tamper único para perfis de coroa especiais e largura de pavimentação de 2,5 a 9 m. As mesas Volvo para perfis de coroa especiais são a escolha perfeita ao criar perfis especiais na superfície da estrada. Com duas seções articuladas adicionais ajustáveis para cima ou para baixo em 10% (5,7°), elas permitem pavimentar perfis irregulares com maior facilidade, menos desperdício de material e com um custo menor.
Disponível para: ABG 4820
Mesa VB 88 ETC
Mesa Variomatic com tamper único e largura de pavimentação de 3,0 a 10,0 m.
Disponível para: ABG 4820
VB 89 ETC Screed
Mesa Variomatic com tamper único e largura de pavimentação de 3,0 a 10,0 m.
Disponível para: ABG 4820
VDT-V 78 ETC Screed
Double tamper Variomatic screed with a paving width of 2.5-9.0m. The best partners for paving thick layers, ABG Variomatic screeds with dual tamper bar offer higher pre-compaction to optimize the cost-effectiveness of your projects. The double tamper technology delivers a 5-7% higher degree of compaction and can achieve up to 98% Marshall density. It also provides the best possible even surface due to the feeding effect of the first tamper.
Available for: ABG 8820, ABG 8820L, ABG 7820, ABG 7820L, ABG 6820
VDT-V 79 ETC Screed
Double tamper Variomatic screed for special crown profiles with a paving width of 2.5-9.0m. The best partners for paving thick layers, ABG Variomatic screeds with dual tamper bar offer higher pre-compaction to optimize the cost-effectiveness of your projects. The double tamper technology delivers a 5-7% higher degree of compaction and can achieve up to 98% Marshall density. It also provides the best possible even surface due to the feeding effect of the first tamper. ABG screeds for special crown profiles are the perfect choice when creating special profiles in the road surface. With two additional articulated sections which are adjustable upwards or downwards by 10% (5.7°), they create the possibility to pave irregular profiles with greater ease, reduced material wastage and at a lower cost.
Available for: ABG 8820, ABG 7820, ABG 6820
VDT-V 88 ETC Screed
Double tamper Variomatic screed with a paving width of 3.0-9.0m. The best partners for paving thick layers, ABG Variomatic screeds with dual tamper bar offer higher pre-compaction to optimize the cost-effectiveness of your projects. The double tamper technology delivers a 5-7% higher degree of compaction and can achieve up to 98% Marshall density. It also provides the best possible even surface due to the feeding effect of the first tamper.
Available for: ABG 8820, ABG 8820L, ABG 7820, ABG 7820L, ABG 6820
VDT-V 89 ETC Screed
Double tamper Variomatic screed for special crown profiles with a paving width of 3.0-9.0m. The best partners for paving thick layers, ABG Variomatic screeds with dual tamper bar offer higher pre-compaction to optimize the cost-effectiveness of your projects. The double tamper technology delivers a 5-7% higher degree of compaction and can achieve up to 98% Marshall density. It also provides the best possible even surface due to the feeding effect of the first tamper. ABG screeds for special crown profiles are the perfect choice when creating special profiles in the road surface. With two additional articulated sections which are adjustable upwards or downwards by 10% (5.7°), they create the possibility to pave irregular profiles with greater ease, reduced material wastage and at a lower cost.
Available for: ABG 8820, ABG 7820
Sistema de engate rápido para adição/remoção rápida de extensões
Aquecimento rápido da mesa: três circuitos independentes e duas barras de aquecimento por segmento
Aquecimento elétrico termocontrolado de precisão, com ajuste automático da temperatura
Unidade de controle intuitivo da mesa
Sistema de guia de mesa extremamente estável
Ajuste hidráulico da altura
Facilidade de lubrificação
Controles de rampa e talude
Variante de barra de tamper dupla para maior pré-compactação de camadas espessas
Variante com perfis especiais
Mesas fixas
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Mesas fixas
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