This option confirms that targets are met – and provides supporting documentation.
ACE is a proprietary compaction system from Ammann that provides accurate, real-time data to operators.
Precise, transparent and verifiable compaction processes increasingly are required on construction sites. Ammann took the first steps toward providing these processes in 1998 with the advent of Ammann Compaction Expert (ACE), an automated compaction measurement and control system.
ACE has been continually improved since its introduction and remains the industry leader. It is the only system that automatically adjusts amplitude and frequency based on ground characteristics.
The benefits of ACE technology are significant. Among them:
- It can reduce the number of passes a roller makes and deliver savings on fuel, labor and machine wear.
- ACE helps ensure proper compaction is achieved and prevents costly rework, which in some cases can even require a return to the jobsite.
- It extends the life of the compacted material – and structures placed on top of it – by providing a homogenous surface without weak spots.
- ACE technology is available for both soil and asphalt applications. There are three ACE options available.
For use with single-drum rollers, light and heavy asphalt rollers
Provides measurement and documentation – Precisely measures and evaluates material stiffness
Operator guiding function shows compaction progress
Includes ADS documentation software with office analyzing feature
Can utilise all major manufacturers’ GPS products to provide mapping and operator guidance

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