

Ammann showcased its commitment to the North American market at CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2020 in Las Vegas in March.

Featured at the trade show were products created or customised for North America – including the latest generation of heavy compactors, a wide range of light compaction equipment and a technologically advanced asphalt-mixing plant.


Asphalt-Mixing Plants

Visitors had many questions about the new Ammann ACP 300 ContiHRT, a continuous asphalt-mixing plant designed to meet the recycling and emissions needs of the market. The plant can produce mix consisting of more than 60% RAP. Its patented preheating process minimizes fuel consumption and reduces emissions.

Additional plant innovations include the proprietary as1 Control System. This advanced system is intuitive to operate yet provides data – and ultimately efficiencies – that enable high production while maximizing the use of fuel and aggregates.

Among the plant service products showcased was Amdurit®, Ammann’s patented wear-protection system for asphalt-mixing plants; and Ammlub, a labor-saving, smart system that automatically lubricates key points on the asphalt plant.

Visitors also learned about the 5-star service packages for an asphalt-mixing plant’s burner and electrical systems. Maintenance packages are available as well.

Ammann’s mixed reality solution, the ultimate remote support tool, was of interest to many booth visitors. At the plant, the customer need only put on a virtual reality device and safety helmet, and the Ammann support team will have a live view of what he is seeing. The Ammann team then addresses the challenge – immediately.

Mixed reality provides connection to Ammann support staff anytime, anywhere. It helps novice and experienced operators, and it offers effective pre-maintenance inspection, too.


Heavy Compaction Equipment

Shown at the booth were the ARS 70 and ARS 110, the most recent generation of soil compactors. The machines feature technological solutions that are more productive, meet the latest emissions standards, reduce fuel usage and provide valuable data that actually eliminates unnecessary passes of the machines on jobsites.

Also on display was the new line of light tandem rollers – the ARX 16-2, the ARX 26-2 and the ARX 45-2. The ARX compactors utilize an upgraded articulation joint that enables quick drum adjustment from in-line to off-set configurations, helpful when working close to obstructions.


Lightweight Equipment

Ammann presented its “Lightweight Champions” – light compaction machines that pack a powerful punch.

Rammers feature the best forward movement in the industry, helping contractors in all applications work productively and ultimately achieve compaction targets.

Ammann offers a wide range of vibratory plate compactors. A low-vibration guide handle minimizes stress on the operator and makes the machine easier to control.

Walk-Behind Rollers combine two applications in a single machine. The operator chooses whether to utilize a high-amplitude setting for work on gravel/soil or a low-amplitude setting for asphalt and bituminous materials.

Ammann is the only manufacturer that continues to offer both articulated and skid-steered versions of their trench rollers. These machines perform well in cohesive soil types, such as clays, that can be very difficult to compact.

Ammann APA Add-On Compactors are attachment plates that can be mounted on any standard excavator arm and are true champions in terms of compaction forces and compaction speed.

Ammann recently opened a hub in Davie, Florida, another example of its commitment to the North American market.
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